お客様の個人情報を最大限に尊重します。私たちのプライバシー声明を見てくださいプライバシー声明 milkyウェイ宝石のプライバシーとセキュリティ対策を念頭に置いて深いバンカーのセキュリティで設計されているので、ミルキーウェイジュエリーに提供する任意の個人情報は、個人的な目的のために使用されており、天の川の宝石、他の目的であなたのWeb体験を強化するために使用されます。天の川の宝石の特定のプライバシーポリシーは以下の通りです私たちが収集した情報はミルビーウェイジュエリーがあなたから情報を得る2つの方法がありますウェブサイト( 2 )オンライン購買からどうやってその情報を使うかNBSP メールアドレス。それらは順序を処理するのに使用されるだけです。ミルキーウェイジュエリー次回のスピーディチェックアウトプロセスの情報を保存しますあなたが彼らのために尋ねるならば、天の川宝石はあなたに電子メールを送るだけです、そして、あなたはあなたが望むどんな時でも簡単に取り消すことができます京大理天の川の宝石は、電子メールの対応を持つ人々を洪水にしない会社の政策を持っていますが、単にあなたが天の川の宝石が提供しているものの日まで滞在できるように定期的な情報を提供します。天の川の宝石類も、あなたの注文を確認して、あなたの命令の出荷を確認して、あなたがオンラインにするどんな照会にも応じるために、あなたの電子メールアドレスを使います。あなたが受け取るすべての電子メールは、あなたがとても望むならば、電子メールメーリングリストを降ろす方法に関してあなたに情報を提供しますお客様の個人情報へのアクセス
There are two ways that Milky Way Jewelry obtains information from you: (1) via registration on Milky Way Jewelry'swebsite; (2) from an on-line purchase.
The information obtained from registration on-line is utilized to improve your web experience with Milky Way Jewelry by enabling you to obtain a faster checkout for purchases and/or to receive occasional e-mails which provide you with the latest and greatest information regarding Milky Way Jewelry and its products. You may also elect to subscribe to Milky Way Jewelry periodical newsletter to get the latest information in gaming.
The information we ask for when you order on-line is your name, address, phone numberand email address. They are only used to process the order. Milky Way Jewelrywill save the information for a speedier checkout process the next time.
Milky Way Jewelrydoes not otherwise utilize your personal information in any way and never shares or sells your e-mail address or other personal information to other companies. No information is collected about you unless you make an on-line purchase or register as a frequent visitor so that you may participate in our discussion forum and use other member-only features of our site. "Cookies" (small bits of text that your web browser software stores on your computer when you visit certain web sites) are used by Milky Way Jewelry only to allow you to use Milky Way Jewelry's web site in the most efficient manner.
Milky Way Jewelry will only send e-mails to you if you ask for them and you can easily unsubscribe at any time you want. Milky Way Jewelry has a company policy not to flood people with e-mail correspondence, but simply gives you periodic information so you can stay up to date on what Milky Way Jewelry is offering. Milky Way Jewelry also uses your e-mail address to confirm your order and to confirm shipment of your order and to respond to any inquiries you make on-line. All e-mails you receive will provide you with information as to how to get off the e-mail mailing list if you so desire.
Milky Way Jewelry will provide you with access to the personal information you provided to Milky Way Jewelry by allowing you to view, update or correct your information. In order to protect your privacy, Milky Way Jewelry takes steps to verify your identity before granting you access to the private information or enabling you to make corrections. Milky Way Jewelry will accomplish this through the use of passwords and personal data.
Our web site's security system is armed with a sentry system to monitor activity and prevent any unauthorized disclosure of personal information. We use both industry standard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and powerful VERISIGN encryption to protect the confidentiality of your personal information.
Please review the site periodically to see any updates to the information provided here.